I am still in shocked state thinking about the loss we have undergone in the past days.... I thought of writing about our dear Lt. A.P.J.Abdul kalam but thought myself to be not deserving enough to write about such a great personality.... But as he always liked to be along the common man it gave me a sense of responsibility to write about him with my heart felt respect ,about a great personality like him. I missed an opportunity of a lifetime a few years back....when I missed the bus to be able to meet him face to face ,when he had come to our college, just after he was sworn The President of the country!!! It is like crying over spilled milk but still I feel like I have met him personally. Yes, it is through his books that have imprinted his thoughts and values in me. Reading his WINGS OF FIRE and IGNITED MINDS made me think that he is talking to me!!! I am sure many a followers of his might have felt the same way as me isn't it? I used to feel those wings of fire in me and fu...
Life is a teacher and every new experience is a lesson.....