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Insanely SIMILAR!!!!!

I know,I know, the word itself baffles most of us!!!! We hate it the most when somebody copies us.

How annoying is the situation when your classmate and u are wearing a similar dress!!! Grrrr....
It feels like almost ending your life or may be the dress itself!!!
You won't believe , once our hostel guard was wearing a dress similar to mine!!! I just hope nobody should be in such a situation. To tell you the truth , I just buried the dress somewhere in the trunk. Oh! My bad luck!!!!

I once so a person wearing a same dress as mine but this time I must tell you it was not an assorted dress but I myself coordinated the jeans with a top that too from two different shop!!!! Oh God! Why I should happen with me?????

People have the habit of copying just everything. They even copy what you eat. Isn't it insane???? I know , some have such low confidence level that they try to make a place for themselves copying others , which is good. Because learning something good is amazing but don't get lost in the process.

Materialistic copying is imaginable but what amazes me the most is what is naturally an exact copy of other. Oh I am not talking about twins or quadruplets etc because they are scientifically one which are divided . What I talk about is two different people from different region , looking similar!!!! 

Have you ever faced such a situation??? I remember once my friend in school said that she saw me. But in reality I was in some other place!!! I remember who she stressed that she saw a person exactly like me. Other friends too supported her. At that time I thought she might have seen someone similar to me but not an exact copy!!! How can two different person ever look similar? But some days back , I saw a man who look an exact copy of a person , in a place far away. Those 2 to 3 seconds I felt that I was hallucinating!!! I even got confused in which place I was in , on that time. How could you not get confused when that person had coloured his hair in the same colour than the person I know!!! I know it sounds scary but its true!!!!

I have once heard from my elders that every person have a copy of 7 more person like him or her in this entire earth. It was hard to believe at that time but now it seems possible!!!!

There are situation when students from the same batch share a common trait. Look around you , may be you junior , senior batch or even your own batch and you shall know!!! May be your batch is an allrounder batch or your juniors are almost of same height!!!!

There are a lot of things in this world which may amaze you. So keep a close eye and you might discover something amazing!!!!!


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