In today's time there is abundance of material to get inspired. An unheard of type of taste can inspire a new colour!!! A child's imagination can be behind a new technology. Or a wonderful music can inspire us to change our whole perspective towards life. Obviously it's the inspiration of so many great and artistic minds which has made this world full of adventure. As a child parents and elders where an inspiration. Social media has been a boon in a lot of ways. I know it also has a negative darker side to it but for now let's focus in the positive side of it. And I always believe that it is we and only ourselves who can decide which lane to choose, isn't it? So coming back to the main topic, my sister told me a one of the quote from her insta followed accounts that "Once a man asked a Buddhist that what is the meaning of anger. ...
Life is a teacher and every new experience is a lesson.....