We are all prepared in advance for celebrations. Making all necessary arrangements for the D'day. Waiting is fun too. It keeps up the energy levels up and simultaneously increasing the excitement. As the days comes nearer ,it's almost unbearable to wait more. Ultimately the day comes and you find yourself ill!!!! Yes, it happened with me this time during New Year!!! I wanted to write about it but didn't because I knew writing about it would sadden me more!!! So it was like, me and my bed for me!!!! So I thought of different ways to make myself happy. Like doing some of my favourite things or the things I was thinking to do for a long time. Downloaded some cool apps and started entertaining myself!!! During recovery, with lot of difficulty I went out. It was uncomfortable but I liked it. I felt refreshed!!! Sometimes responsibility towards others gives you a lot of strength to get well soon. This is what I realized out of all this. It's not awa...
Life is a teacher and every new experience is a lesson.....